JAIIB (Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers) course is divided into three papers,

The JAIIB (Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers) course is divided into three papers, each covering specific topics related to banking and finance. The syllabus for JAIIB is as follows:

Paper 1: Principles and Practices of Banking
1. Indian Financial System
2. Functions of Banks
3. Banking Operations
4. Banker-Customer Relationship
5. Types of Customers
6. KYC/AML Guidelines
7. Negotiable Instruments
8. Deposit Accounts
9. Loans and Advances
10. Retail Banking
11. Priority Sector Lending
12. Agriculture and Rural Development
13. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
14. Financial Inclusion

Paper 2: Accounting and Finance for Bankers
1. Business Mathematics and Logical Reasoning
2. Accounting Concepts and Conventions
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
4. Trial Balance
5. Final Accounts
6. Capital and Revenue Expenditure
7. Bills of Exchange
8. Company Accounts
9. Valuation of Shares and Goodwill
10. Ratio Analysis
11. Cash Flow Statement
12. Fund Flow Statement
13. Time Value of Money
14. Basics of Derivatives
15. Risk Management

Paper 3: Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking
1. Regulations and Compliance


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